Thank You for the Reminder…

It is superbly refreshing to be shown that no one is really original. Well, at least that no one is so original that what they come up with has never been seen before.

This video(third in a series of four) demonstrates that everything is inspired by something and that the way we become inspired is by first copying something already out there. Am I the only one that felt a certain stigmatism about copying other people’s ideas? Really, our society and technology wouldn’t be what it is today without copying other’s ideas. This is one reason I feel very dark about patents and copyrights. I understand the business logic for them, but despise them based on my more altruistic motives.

So, without further delay, I give you Everything is a Remix – the elements of creativity.

Everything is a Remix Part 3 from Kirby Ferguson

Added bonus:

this video exemplifies how drastic differences(smoke signals vs video chat) are more obvious than gradual changes(PC vs Apple). This should make you giggle a little bit, if you have any humanity in your soul. :)

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